How to Choose the Best Newborn Baby Doctor: A Comprehensive Guide for New Parents
1. Introduction How do you know when you should select your baby's doctor? Before the baby is born, you don't have any idea what your availability is. How do you find the right doctor to suit your needs for your first baby? There are some questions to ask when the [...]
Tips for Increasing a Child’s Activity Levels
Children these days are much less active than children several decades ago were. Today’s children have plenty of reasons to stay inside and to glue themselves to the television, computer or gaming station. In fact, childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic with the number of children diagnosed as obese having [...]
Should I Get My Child a Flu Vaccine?
Overview Every year, influenza or commonly known as flu sickens millions and hospitalizes thousands of people. Worse, it also causes tens of thousands of death. Children younger than 5 years old are at high risk of developing serious flu-related complications. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that since [...]
Autism: Learn the Early Signs
What is ASD? Autism, or sometimes called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions that cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. It may affect how a person interacts, perceives, and socializes with others. The learning, thinking, and problem-solving skills of people with ASD can range [...]
Common Poisons in the Home
Every home is full of poisons, and these are particularly dangerous in households with infants and young children in them. What parents may see as simple products that they use daily for eating or cleaning can be dangerous killers when ingested in large quantities or when used orally rather than [...]
What Is Tongue-Tie?
Parents who have never dealt with an infant with tongue tie most likely do not even know what this condition is. However, parents who have dealt with it know how frustrating and demoralizing it can be until it is repaired. Tongue tie can significantly affect breastfeeding, eating, and speech if [...]
Every Kid Healthy Week
Every Kid Healthy Week is celebrated on the last week of April every year. It provides schools as well as any individuals or businesses who want to become involved with a chance to impact the lives of school children with healthy choices in eating and exercising. Not only can healthy [...]
Observing National Infant Immunization Week
National Infant Immunization Week is celebrated in 2017 from April 22 through the 29. During this week, doctors, communities and public health programs show the community how important immunizations are from a very early age to keep a child healthy and to keep dangerous diseases from spreading throughout communities. This [...]