This is a suggested schedule. For alternatives and details, including additional recommendations for high-risk children, consult the Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger, UNITED STATES, 2019.
- Monovalent HepB vaccine is recommended within 24 hours of birth for stable infants weighing >2 kg. For others, see schedule.
- A dose of HepB vaccine is not necessary at 4 months if doses are given at birth and 2 months but may be included as part of a combination vaccine. The final dose (3RD/4TH) should be given after age 24 wks. and at least 16 wks. after 1st dose.
- Administer first dose at age 6 wks-14 wks. (Max. age: 14 wks., 6 days). Max. age for final dose in the series: 8 months, 0 days. If any dose of RV5 is given or product is unknown, a total of three RV doses are needed.
- This 6 month Hib dose is not indicated if PedvaxHIB® is used exclusively for the 2 and 4 month infant doses.
- Min. interval between 1ST and 2ND dose is 4 wks. Administer 1 dose of MMR to infants 6 – 11 months before international travel. Two MMR doses should still be given on or after 12 months of age.
- Minimum intervals: Ages 1-12 year: 3 months. Ages 13 years and older: 4 weeks.
MMRV may be used when both MMR and Varicella vaccines are indicated. For the 1st dose at 12-15 months,
MMR and varicella vaccines should typically be given unless the parent or caregiver prefers MMRV. - Final dose of PCV series should be given at ≥12 months of age or after.
- The 4th dose of DTaP may be administered as early as 12 months, provided at least 6 months have elapsed since the 3rd DTaP dose.
- HPV vaccine should be given on a 0, 6-12 month schedule for 9-14 year olds (min. interval is 5 months). If patient is immunocompromised or initiates series at 15 years or older, use a 3 dose schedule (0, 1-2, 6 months).
- A MenB vaccine series may be given to all persons 16 through 23 years of age. See MMWR for details.
- Two doses given at least 4 weeks apart are recommended for ages 6 months–8 years who are getting flu vaccine for the first time.
This publication was supported by Grant Number H23/CCH922507 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.