Toddlers are busy! And they can sometimes be exhausting and frustrating. Whether you are a first-time or long-time mom, or a young single dad just trying to figure things out, your toddler is bound to fill you with questions and concerns. Dr. Matney will be there to help you find the right answers that work best for you. Having treated thousands of toddlers over the years, Dr. Matney’s vast experience makes him an ideal choice for your toddler’s check-ups and developmental assessments, including daycare check-ups, preschool physicals, and Head Start Program paperwork.
Board-Certified Pediatricians like Dr. Matney are specialists in baby, toddler, and child development. Everyday important topics such as home safety, picky eating, tantrums, sleep problems, and potty-training are addressed during your toddler’s routine checkups, and Dr. Matney will also evaluate and address any concerns or questions you may have about both normal and abnormal toddler development. He can begin an evaluation process for any concerns you may have about learning problems, speech problems, developmental delay, or autism. It is critical to identify any potential developmental problems early, and to get early treatment and special services started as soon as possible for any child with potential growth or developmentally problems. Dr. Matney’s caring and knowledgeable team can help you navigate what can be an upsetting and overwhelming maze of agencies and school and government programs, to help get your child the proper evaluations, services, and support they will need.
The toddler years are also the time for a lot of coughs, colds, ear infections, croup, bronchitis, tummy bugs, and on and on. Dr. Matney is there when your little one sooner or later gets one of these bugs. He has the knowledge, training, and experience to deal with all routine childhood illnesses, but he also knows when something more serious is going on and what to do about it. Knowing the minor, from the serious, from the life-threatening, and knowing what to do about all of those, is why you want an experienced pro like Dr. Matney for your doctor when the chips are down.