1. Introduction

Pediatricians are specially trained to handle emergencies as well as treating any underlying conditions while being able to understand your child’s feelings and concerns. Having a doctor who understands you and your baby is very important during any sickness or disease. You will want someone who wants to understand, to be available for phone calls or questions after hours. Someone who is able to answer all your questions about your baby and what they will go through for their first couple of years of life. How to keep them healthy and happy is part of a pediatrician’s job also. A newborn pediatrician is very important for any baby. With all the options given to you as a parent, be sure to choose the right baby doctor for your family.

From the time that you first hold your precious little baby, the most important thing you will want to be sure of is that your baby will grow up healthy and happy. This all begins with choosing the right doctor to care for your new baby. Your newborn’s pediatricians are the doctors that your baby will be visiting the most through the first few years of life. So take great care in choosing the right newborn pediatrician to care for your baby. A pediatrician is a medical doctor who takes care of infants, children, and young adults up to 21. These doctors are trained to diagnose and treat diseases from a simple cold to motor vehicle accidents.

1.1. Significance of Newborn Pediatricians

Choosing the right newborn pediatrician is a huge and important decision. After all, your baby’s pediatrician will be in charge of his or her health and wellbeing for many years. And since you’ll be visiting the pediatrician fairly regularly for the first several years, it also makes the pediatrician one of the most influential people in your little one’s life, second only to the parents. As a fellow Montessori educator, I’m constantly amazed at all the things we have to provide as parents in order to help our little ones thrive. Give yourself and your little one every advantage you can by carefully selecting a newborn pediatrician for him or her that will meet his good health and growth needs.

Of course, all parents want the very best for their little ones. When it comes to selecting the right people for the job, we often go above and beyond in our criteria, whether it’s researching the best school districts where they get their education or the best daycare facilities. Another crucial caregiver that should definitely be carefully selected is a newborn pediatrician for your baby. There are also some long-term benefits to finding the best newborn pediatrician you can for your child. When you choose a newborn pediatrician who meets all of your criteria, does your thorough research ahead of time, and then disciplines yourself to keep to this schedule, it can strengthen the parent-pediatrician relationship for the long term.

2. Qualities to Look for in a Newborn Pediatrician

The question is, what are the things you should look for in a newborn pediatrician? What makes one doctor better or more suitable for your needs than another? You don’t have to worry about getting this wrong. When you’re considering a doctor for your baby, these are the things you want to keep in mind: Age-appropriate care. You want someone who’s experienced in dealing with newborns and their mothers. Bedside manner. When you interact with the doctor, ask yourself how you feel. You should be comfortable with the doctor and totally at ease about communicating openly with them. Professionalism and rapport often go hand in hand. Make sure you’re comfortable asking questions and being candid with your doctor. Services offered. Some pediatricians may offer well check-ups, only care for sick children, or offer pediatric surgical services like circumcision and tongue or lip tie clips. Prenatal consults. Interview some local pediatricians and ask if they take the time to meet with each patient before delivery. This allows parents to ask about specific health issues, the doctor’s policies, and to start a relationship with their chosen newborn doctor. Fewer worries. Choose someone you can trust to provide solid information so you have fewer things to worry about. Ability to communicate well. They should be able to communicate well with patients and explain complex health issues in a practical and easy to understand way. Good will. Lastly, you should feel a genuine sense of goodwill from the doctor and their staff. They should sincerely and empathically want to help sick and well babies.

Choosing the right pediatrician for your baby is an important first step to help you manage the many healthcare needs your baby will have. It’s good to select a pediatrician when you get pregnant. This way, you’ll have a healthcare professional lined up who will help you manage your pregnancy, as well as provide the best care for your newborn. Instead of leaving it till the last minute, take the time to really get to know the doctor before you make your decision. If you’re still unsure, reach out to more than one pediatrician so you have all the information you need to make a good decision. Just ask if you can come in for a consultation so you can make sure you feel comfortable and at ease with the doctor and their office.

2.1. Experience and Credentials

Another important consideration is the past professional experience of any board certified or board eligible pediatrician you are evaluating. Prior experiences of a newborn pediatrician will be able to positively affect your baby’s health and overall attitude towards treatment. With more extensive experience, a pediatrician will be more able to provide immediate identification and quick treatment for your newborn baby. The richness of experience will shape his capacity to be more keen and informative in giving suggestions and guidance on specific process and phases of your baby’s health development. Accordingly, the pediatrician’s capability to provide proper guidance in times of delicate baby health related situations will be greatly increased.

When choosing a pediatrician for your newborn baby, or unborn child, you should highly consider their professional experience and credentials. Choose a newborn pediatrician who is a board certified or board eligible doctor in the field of pediatrics in your area. Board certified or board eligible pediatricians usually have finished the proper studies, training, have passed the medical board exams required for them to become a certified pediatrician. The recommended training includes four years of college studies, four years of medical school, three years of pediatric residency training and must pass the examination on or after completion of the pediatric training. By choosing a board certified or board eligible pediatrician, you will have assurance that this physician has proper experience, training and abides professional code of conduct.

2.2. Communication Skills

Remember that the pediatrician with whom your friends or organization are so pleased might not be the right doctor for you. Different patients and different problems require different skills in a pediatrician. In deciding whether a particular doctor’s skills are suited to your needs, talk with the doctor – never be afraid to ask for advice about finding the right doctor for your baby.

Friends, colleagues, or organizations are the usual sources of recommendations. Friends can tell you which pediatricians they like. People in community organizations can often give recommendations about pediatricians who are especially good with certain problems. Most important are the recommendations from other doctors and from nurses. Nurses often know which doctors are particularly good with crying babies or with children who have asthma, for example; it is good to choose such a pediatrician if your child has these problems. Of course, your baby’s doctor will be treating all of your baby’s illnesses and problems, and you should choose the pediatrician who you believe will be best for all of them.

2.3. Compassion and Empathy

Discuss the topic of breastfeeding, vaginal discharge from baby girls, and diaper count during the baby’s first few days of life. Note how every medical professional reacts. Truly compassionate healthcare providers will take their time with you. They should not be defensive or annoyed. They should assume that you know the right thing to do and try to show their best side. Once you decide on a doctor, ask a last important question. How do they react should a minor complication occur? Do they overreact or are they reassuring, in control, and steady? Ask about the most common scenarios and check their availability, approach, and maturity in dealing with them. You may or may not want to meet each doctor in person before making your choice based on how well the practice addresses this most relevant decision-making process.

Compassion and empathy are two personal traits that are often difficult to quantify or analyze. You should feel comfortable around your chosen doctor. They should be sincerely concerned for your baby’s health and general well-being. Every baby reacts differently to their first few days in the world. Some newborns are loud, vocal, and appear very upset most of the time. At the other extreme, some have quieter, more relaxed dispositions. Try to keep a mental account of your pediatrician’s reactivity to you and to your new baby. If their response is always calculated or via a scientific formula, you will be better off finding another doctor.

3. The Role of the Newborn Pediatrician in the Child’s Development

The first visit should be made at the hospital or in a consultation within 48 hours after delivery, and due attention should be given to the guidance concerning the care with the newborn in his first days and weeks of life, when doubts in relation to reflux, baby colic, umbilical cord care, oral hygiene, anthropometric measurements, baby bath, among others, will emerge on the part of the parents. Such guidance and the prompt search for assistance when needed provide a guarantee to hit the growth and development steps, avoiding traumas for both baby and family, debt in care, the diagnosis of genetic or metabolic diseases, and other trace health and development conditions are prevented, always observing the age for growth and development, nutritional support, and side effects of immunization.

The role of pediatricians in the development of children stems from the registration of births, which guarantees them the first medical appointment. From the first consultation, pediatricians guide parents and guardians on the care and development of the newborn. These specialists play a fundamental role both in monitoring the first years of a child’s life, which involve important growth stages, and in the diagnosis and treatment of mild complications, the main causes of consultations of this population. Newborn pediatricians should be available to see patients in multiple health facilities, as opportunities for providing care are diverse. The early medical follow-up of newborns is essential, as it is the only way to ensure the correct development of the child during this period.

3.1. Preventive Care and Vaccinations

The beginning of life for the newborn is such an important time for her brain and overall development. A pediatrician can provide important guidance and support to help families raise healthy and happy newborns. A pediatrician can track the baby’s social and cognitive skills development, help with behavior and discipline, discuss healthy family relationships, and refer the family for additional support if needed. If you have a current or past medical condition, having a pediatrician present may be especially important.

A pediatrician can provide essential preventive care to help keep your newborn healthy in the first months of life and beyond. In the first few days after birth, the newborn will typically see a nurse, but it is still important to have a pediatrician on call and ready to help you. Preventive health care for the newborn includes growth monitoring, nutritional evaluation and guidance, and overall health evaluation. Vaccines are an essential part of preventive care. Your pediatrician will be able to recommend the best vaccination schedule for your newborn. This will ensure that your newborn is completely protected from vaccine-preventable diseases before starting school. If newborn care includes all immunizations, children who are breastfed by their mother receive the best possible protection, as they receive antibodies from their mother and vaccines together in the first few months of life.

3.2. Monitoring Growth and Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones are morphologic and functional changes that allow for the growth and development of preterm infants. There are a great variety of milestones at different stages and for different outcomes. Milestones have been selected for their relationship to either immediate or longer-term benefits. Optimizing these milestones could lead to improvements in outcomes such as structured stimulation shared with parents. Social, motor, and cognitive functions have cellular and architectural endpoints in the brain, likely with engaging, supportive care important.

Monitoring the body weight of a child is important as well. One to two percent loss in body weight after birth is normal in the first several days according to the Academy of Pediatrics. After ten days, most newborns should return to their birth weight. It is important for newborns to have frequent weight checks during the first few weeks of life, especially for those who are breastfeeding. Newborns who are breastfed will usually lose more weight compared to their formula-fed peers. Infants can be weighed frequently at a local clinic until they reach their birth weight. This service is often at no charge.

Choosing the right newborn pediatrician is important so they can ensure children meet their growth and developmental milestones. It is critical to monitor each child to ensure they are developing at a healthy and consistent rate. Registered dietitians and nutritionists can also help determine the normal weight range based on height and body frame. Pediatricians often work with nutritionists and dietitians to develop the best plan for the nutritional needs of children. In the first year of life, most babies will triple their body weight and grow about eight to ten inches. Their birth weight will have increased by 50 to 60 percent.

4. Building a Strong Relationship with Your Newborn Pediatrician

By far, the most important aspect in maintaining a strong patient-doctor relationship is effective communication. The best physician in the world, with the highest availability, and the most accessible hours cannot relieve your worry about your baby’s cough, ease your guilt over working outside the home, or put your mother’s concerns about colic to rest if they don’t communicate with you about your concerns and reassure you about her well-being. Be clear about your expectations. Ask your doctors their policies about well child visits vs. sick visits (call and come right in), after-hours availability, and on-call arrangements. Some medical practices see patients from 9-5, during which time sick visits are easy to schedule. Others stop seeing patients at 4 p.m. and leave that time open for sick appointments. If an emergency or urgent situation arises, be very sure about how and when to reach your doctor or someone who can provide effective advice.

In choosing the right newborn pediatrician for your baby, take time to meet all your options from different clinics or hospitals. It is your responsibility as new parents to also spend time with them to describe your ideal pediatrician and ensure that the pediatrician is committed, comfortable, and will be there for the wellness of your child’s health. The pediatrician you have chosen should be caring, compassionate, and pleasant. You must also discuss with your baby’s pediatrician on the latest updates about your health, newborn’s behavior, and answer your new interesting queries as well. It’s important to build a relationship and make you and your baby comfortable with the pediatrician especially during emergency situations.

4.1. Open Communication and Trust

It is interesting to find out if the doctor is part of a larger group of doctors or has a lone practice. While being part of a larger practice/clinic has its advantages, it also does not hurt to have other advantages going on for your new pediatrician. A good rule of thumb is that even if the pediatrician has a million years of experience, it may not be your best fit if you are uncomfortable talking to them. Although the above 3 points may be seen as quite basic, hardly anything would come close to speaking to people you know. Talk to your family and friends who have babies about your pediatrician concerns. Not only would they be more than happy to share details with you, but you would also be gaining priceless information.

One of the most important reasons parents choose the doctors they choose has to do with the relationship they have with them. Parents usually prefer doctors who they can easily communicate with without feeling overwhelmed. Choose a pediatrician that speaks your language, figuratively! Your newborn’s pediatrician should always answer any questions you may have regarding your child’s health, growth, and development. See if you can talk to them before choosing them. You would be able to have a pretty good idea as to whether or not you would feel comfortable in their presence. Find out how the hospital communicates with the parents with a newborn, and how your chosen pediatrician fits into play in this.

5. Conclusion

Always remember that your newborn baby has the right to receive quality medical assistance and that having a pediatrician from the first days of their life will only result in better development. Take the time to select your baby’s pediatrician and the result will be the best follow-up in terms of your baby’s growth, as well as assurance that you are in the hands of a professional that you trust. Always keep in mind that the pediatrician is not only a doctor, they are also an ally who can advise and guide you. Do thorough research before the baby’s arrival with regard to choosing the pediatrician and be sure to know their background, merits, and experience so that you feel comfortable with your decision. With time, dedication, and knowledge, you will be successful in your search for the best pediatrician for your child!

Having a chosen newborn pediatrician is a great way to give your baby the gift of health right from the very first day they are born. Help them reach their first milestones in no time and support their development by keeping in touch with a medical team that is highly skilled, friendly, and effective. The optimal choice of a pediatrician can ensure the proper growth and development of your newborn, from the first day to the first months. The combination of both the physical examination and the advice from the pediatrician is really valuable as it provides parents with a lot of useful information. To obtain this valuable guidance and make informed decisions about your baby’s health, search out your baby’s pediatrician before they are born.

Start an illuminating journey to reveal a wealth of insights

As we embark on the adventure of nurturing your child’s growth and health, Matney Pediatrics offers an extraordinary blend of expertise and genuine care. In a world where clinics often rely on nurse practitioners or general doctors, we stand out by ensuring that every visit is with Dr. Matney himself, a board-certified pediatrician whose passion is exclusively children’s health.

Imagine a place where medical excellence meets a family-like atmosphere. At Matney Pediatrics, our dedicated team, who have been with Dr. Matney for many years, creates a welcoming, kid-friendly environment that makes both you and your child feel at ease. Dr. Matney’s deep knowledge in baby, toddler, and child development, as well as his specialized care for ADHD, autism, and other developmental disorders, ensures that your child receives the highest standard of personalized care.

Dr. Matney’s dedication extends beyond the clinic walls; he personally attends to sick patients in the hospital and provides newborn care at Victor Valley Global Medical Center. Upholding the tradition of a privately-owned, full-service solo practice, he guides parents through essential decisions on vaccinations, newborn care, and more, offering the latest information with compassionate support.

So, are you ready to join a pediatric practice where your child’s well-being is the top priority? Connect with us at Matney Pediatrics and discover a partnership in health that’s as unique and special as your child. Together, let’s embark on a journey to ensure your child’s brightest and healthiest future.


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